Wealth, Yoga, Wine

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The power of your words can either improve a life or damage a life. A scientist did an experiment using three vials of water.

He said ” I love you” to the first vial.  To the second vial, ” I hate you.” The third vial, ” you disgust me”

Each water was frozen. The” I love you” vial formed beautiful snowflake shapes.  The other two were discolored and chaotic in shape.  Your words are powerful.

My kundalini yoga teacher said, “Just because you HAVE one, doesn’t mean you HAVE to be one”

Wine- I want Americans to learn about good food and wine pairing combinations. Learn the flavor profiles of the wines.  Then pair with food.

Shop at independently owned wine shops: Mazzaros in St. Petersburg and West Palm wines in Ybor are two of my favorites.

www.chezvalerie.us  Happy to assist with any questions.

Sign up for one of the free programs under WEALTH….they will improve your life, especially now in these turbulent times.


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