UNIQUE FATHER’S DAY GIFT IDEAS We usually give dad kind of boring gifts for his day… admit it.  Maybe a set golf balls, new tie, a bottle of booze..  Here are ome unique DIY suggestions for FATHER’S DAY: Virtual classes from Road Scholar: A GIFT CERTIFICATE from THE ROAD SCHOLAR or TRAVEL FROM YOUR COUCH,… Continue reading UNIQUE FATHER’S DAY DIY GIFTS

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Shohei, Taylor, Quantum Leaps: Baseball, Romance Luck?

Shohei, Taylor, Quantum Leaps: Baseball, Romance, Luck?   I don’t usually talk about celebs, however there is a correlation here that I want to make between Shohei, Taylor and Quantum Leaps. Quantum Leaps, according to Price Pritchett lead to explosive results. We all have the capacity for Quantum Leaps.  Pritchett tells us, ” we get… Continue reading Shohei, Taylor, Quantum Leaps: Baseball, Romance Luck?

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Mindset: Romance and Baseball?

  How does Romance begin?  And what does it have to do with Baseball?  For one, don’t you think that Romance is akin to a foreign language? I have been studying European Portuguese for over a year and it’s the  most difficult language that I am mastering: My French is fine, Italian so-so, Spanish ok… … Continue reading Mindset: Romance and Baseball?

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BASEBALL and ROMANCE Baseball for me resembles life in an ironic way.  Take for instance these insane umpires and their ejections of the players.  Many times they are so wrong that it is impossible to comprehend how they keep employed.. We see this in life also: Our companies do some of the most outlandish acts… Continue reading BASEBALL AND ROMANCE

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The Road Less Traveled

The Road Less Traveled – Enter the ROAD SCHOLAR Many of us in out mid 60’s into our late 80’s years of age have ” BEEN THERE DONE THAT” WHEN IT COMES to traveling. We remember when it was a rather seamless excursion, we kept our shoes on, no TSA pat down, certainly no histrionics.… Continue reading The Road Less Traveled

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Finding Your Business Tribe

FINDING YOUR Business TRIBE It’s a lonely world sometimes as an entrepreneur.  Especially when you’re in your sixties and starting over from ground zero.  If your business is recovering financially from the Pandemic – career changes, losses it can be painful. Finding your business tribe is important to help you get that help and support… Continue reading Finding Your Business Tribe

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