Time Machine and Honor thy Pet

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Mary Morrissey teaches us a fun way to bring the FUTURE of our big dream and goal to us now, by using her method of the Time Machine.  learn more in the next episode. Kundalini Yoga- I had the bessing of taking a private class with Harriprakaash the day that I had to euthanize my beautiful Siamese of 18 years. It was accidental really.  The blessing is that we spoke a long time about how special siamese are.  Hariprakaash shared with me that during our virtual classes Chocolat would come up to the camera and watch her.. special note: He ALWAYS did yoga with me.. Love that little buddy of mine..miss him. If someone or a pet has died, this is a beautiful song to help their spirit enter their new adventure.

AKAL https://youtu.be/I6PX61OdjVM

www.hariprakaash.com best virtual kundalini yoga teacher 

An interesting WINE Story- my neighbor recently moved to a new apartment that had a wine refrigerator.. she doesn’t drink.. amazingly, all the way in the back of the wine refrigerator were two exceptional bottles of wine- A classified Pauillac valued at $855.  A 2015 Stag’s leap Chardonnay.. but who cares about the chardonnay when you have a 1986 Pauillac.. she gave them to her daughter… arrgghh 

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