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Rich Boggs asks the question, What is your default response to sweaty conflicts ? Avoid, Oblige, Compromise, Dominate?… Listen for more tips on resolving uncomfortable conflicts, even in a corporate environment.
And as a bonus: click on this free morning mentor from Mary Morrissey:
Kundalini Yoga
This studio teaches Kundalini teachers and other types of teacher training. A sample of their schedule is below.
www.ayogavillage.com Teacher training classes in Kundalini yoga AND Authentic Yoga Teacher Training
Authentic Yoga Teacher Training with Cindy Bartz
This is a kriya to destress your Brain
Sikh.net calls it BRAIN ACUPUNCTURE
Wine stores and the wine industry… why choose a good wine store. Dan Spadola has been in the industry for sixteen years.. maybe more.. He is now the head wine guru and leader of Suburban wines. And congratulations to a person who has reached an incredible dream to be the new owner of Suburban. Listen to the reasons why you should choose a great wine store. Access their website here and sign up for their daily newsletter for great wine reviews. www.suburban wines.com
Valerie Hail