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Quantum Leaps and Your Unseen Forces
Those are mysterious ideas for most of us. They lead to dramatic results in our lives as we all have under utilzed innate gifts: imagination, perception, memory, reason, intuition and will.
Imagination is what gets our juices flowing and it is the most powerful?
Because all things man/ woman create begin with a thought.
I challenge you to begin your foray into ALLOWING Quantum leaps, dramatic results into your life by using your imagination and listen, slow down and pay attention to your Intuition…
Price Pritchett tells us to take POSITIVE ACTION
Positive thoughts are certainly important but it’s the ACTION that brings the dramatic RESULT.
Another easy action STEP: GIVE $ – tithe – if it’s financial GIVE money and if its TIME related – volunteer if you need new experiences.
Mary’s tells a story about being broke and worried about money in her new “ ministry and teaching career”. She was asking God, the universe , the higher power what else she could do to become more financially stable. The answer was TITHE (she found a penny on the beach..). So she stopped by a charity on her way home and donated a dollar. ( she had only $3!) Returns home and husband had an $80 window washing job he just completed.Yes its woowoo to some of you but I have experienced this numerous times..
Kundalini Yoga- kriya for adversity, anger management, balancing all the life elements and our surroundings ( this one not appropriate for kids)
Meditation almost anywhere!
Made in Meditation www.madeinmeditation.org
WINE West Palm Wines Tampa info@westpalmwines.com
Kate Hardy
Events Coordinator
West Palm Wines is proud to present Ceretto Wines! The wines will be presented by Mattia Pagliasso, Export Manager
The Ceretto tasting is September 26th from 6:30 pm-8:00pm. The cost is $50 per person inclusive of tax. Seating is limited to 25 seats.
The Ceretto winery was founded in the 1930s: Riccardo Ceretto, who did not own any vineyards, produced wine from grapes he purchased. The turning point came when his sons Bruno and Marcello joined the business, with their innovative thinking for the time: the importance of the soil. Though this seems obvious today, memories of the poverty of rural life in the Langhe region – described so well by Beppe Fenoglio in his novel “La Malora” (“Ruin”) – were still fresh, and Riccardo was reluctant to invest in purchasing land. But Bruno and Marcello had the vineyards of Burgundy in mind, which had been producing excellent wines for over a century thanks to a model that considered the characteristics of each vineyard – the French word cru is still used today. In the 1960s, Bruno and Marcello started mapping out the land that produced the best wines, and buying the vineyards. They would never leave the region again: 2020 was Marcello’s sixtieth grape harvest .
My Favorite Things section
Save your spot on Mary’s upcoming, online Abundance Masterclass encore presentation here https://lifemasteryinstitute.com/go/aff.php?p=vahail&w=AFF_PRM_8SS_ENC
My kundalini yoga teacher:
The gurus of Instagram
I am available for a free discovery call. My services a re fee based on a sliding scale