Have You Pursued a Life Long Dream, Yet Nothing Has Happened

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I know of such a person, John Hudson, left handed guitarist, talented songwriter and performer. More than fifty years he has pursued a big dream.

He’d be thrilled with even one hit wonder from his songwriting repertoire..

“Try something different” I told him.

That’s why I’m using my marketing skills to get his music out in the universe..

John tells a story in all of his songs..

Here’s the first song. RICHMOND NIGHTS

according to Price Pritchett:

“ When was the last time you seriously stretched yourself, stared down the odds, and tested the limits of what you can do? How long has it been since you left your comfort zone and took yourself to the edge? You have so much unused potential. . . so many amazing possibilities you’re free to pursue. . . so many ambitions that you can achieve. It’s time for you to produce another great success story. Go for a quantum leap!

Here is the first podcast episode about John’s perseverance with his music career journey:



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