[podcast src=”https://html5-player.libsyn.com/embed/episode/id/27076239/height/90/theme/custom/thumbnail/yes/direction/forward/render-playlist/no/custom-color/000000/” width=”100%” scrolling=”no” class=”podcast-class” frameborder=”0″ placement=”top” primary_content_url=”http://traffic.libsyn.com/wealthyogawine/Digital_Nomad_Entrepreneur_-_Dont_be_the_Ugly_American_-_6723_3.18_PM.mp3″ libsyn_item_id=”27076239″ height=”90″ theme=”custom” custom_color=”000000″ player_use_thumbnail=”use_thumbnail” use_download_link=”” download_link_text=”” /]
Cultural RESPECT as a Digital Nomad.. Don’t be the Ugly American
If you believe that you are NATURALLY polite, listen up to these cultural nuances in certain countries as it’s super important to KNOW the SPECIFIC QUIRKS..
For instance VOCE – which is the familiar pronoun form for YOU..BUT.. IT is very rude in European Portugese
AND even stranger..They will use your name when speaking to you.. click on Liz Sharma’s video that explains this nuance.
Therefore it’s so important to understand TENSES and the meanings of your PERSONAL PRONOUNS. And the Portugese will use your NAME instead of “ you”…
It’s confusing so here is Liz Sharma. … the best Portugese teacher explaining the nuances of being POLITE in everyday European Portugese
Kundalini Yoga has a distinct culture also. For instance WHITE TANTRIC yoga practice is confused with the EXOTIC RED TANTRIC
Easy kriya for Kundalini yoga
Wines – are there cultural aspects to wines. You betcha BIODYNAMICS FARMING is still controversial even though France has lead that industry for decades.
My Favorite Things
All participants are welcome to all classes. No prior experience is required. Bring a yoga mat, beach towel, or small blanket, and wear loose comfortable clothes for movement classes.
VENMO @WellnessCenterTreasureIsland (1734) WEBSITE www.sootheoursouls.org/wellness FACEBOOK Wellness Center Treasure Island INSTAGRAM WellnessCenterTreasureIsland EMAIL wellness@sootheoursouls.org MESSAGE (727) 902-1734 |
FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING: kick those thoughts to the curb
MINICOURSE created by Valerie Hail. Choose one class $57
Six classes $237
Here’s a quick video that is the introduction and first lesson. There is a free lesson in the video.
People can choose one lesson or six consecutive lessons
Masterclass to create your online course by Julie Hood
Is your Course idea any good FREE TEST
www.chezvalerie.us. @valeriehail56