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Imagine moving to your new country of choice not knowing anyone.. Liz Sharma @ Talk the streets did exactly that six years ago. It’s been a wild ride also as she met her new husband at the very first MEET UP that she attended.
Here’s a great video of that explains it all
AND a bonus video for those who will plan their first exploration trip
Liz is young, she’s hilarious and teaches European Portuguese in a really fun way. Subscribe!!
Kundalini yoga – it’s really time to help the children find some inner peace. This video from HARIPRAKAASH will help protect, calm and give them a sense of control
Wine- Great article from Seven Fifty and it’s ALL ABOUT ROSE’s!!
Seven – Fifty Rose Everything you ever wanted to know Rose’ articles
“rosé is one of the toughest wine styles to master”
How to stabilize color in wine remains a very complex question, says Gilles Masson, the director of the Rosé Research and Experimentation Center (Centre du Rosé), a specialized research institution in Marseille, France. “Two main factors are known to come into play,” he says. “For one, the higher the acid, the better the color keeps
My Favorite Things
FEAR OF PUBLIC SPEAKING: kick those thoughts to the curb
MINICOURSE created by Valerie Hail. Choose one class $57
Six classes $237
Here’s a quick video that is the introduction and first lesson. There is a free lesson in the video.
People can choose one lesson or six consecutive lessons
Masterclass to create your online course by Julie Hood
Is your Course idea any good FREE TEST
www.chezvalerie.us. @valeriehail56