Wealth, Yoga, Wine

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Mary Morrissey speaks to us about the power of words.

The power is a vibration which attracts either the good that you want or brings what you don’t want.

On my website, www.chezvalerie.us, Mary discusses this concept on her 8 Spiritual Secrets to abundance

My Kundalini yoga teacher, also believes in the power of words.  Her power “driven” word is VICTORY. Sign up for her virtual Classes on my website under YOGA

New moon was another interesting yoga class with her.  The impact of the moon is vital to us mortals.

Hariprakaash teaches us why.

WINE- Many vintners practice biodynamic farming.   – The moon’s cycles impact planting, pruning, harvesting.   Knowing the moon’s cycles is predominant in biodynamic farming.

Send me an email vahail1956@gmail.com and I’ll help you choose the best vintners and shops for your price point


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