Hate Dieting? 5 cheating tips to help

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I hate dieting – 5 tips to cheat 

Never too young to get in shape. 80 yo knocks it out of the park  (on the dance floor) Britiain’s got talent golden buzzer GREAT VID


I never diet anyway.. 

Five tips to improve physique immediately 

1 )Drink one glass of water immediately when you awake eliminates body waste

2) Stop thinking “ I’m dieting” …Use pictures of the new you .

3) Food  journal & intermittent FASTING

4) Choose one item to go cold Turkey- SUGAR, CHIPS, SNACKS

5)Posture – shoulders and butt

Jennifer Jimenez is a former dance teacher and has a wonderful virtual dance class to help you get that physique:


“Truth is, igniting change can feel challenging when you’re in the middle of the same routine you’ve had for years…

Wake up. Make a cup of coffee. Work. Cook dinner. Pay the bills. Go to bed. Wake up again.” Jennifer Jimenez

Kundalini Yoga

My kundalini yoga teacher:


MADE IN MEDITATION www.madeinmeditation.org

Listen to Kerry’s video “Master Perception” and you will learn other techniques to assist you with your new physique

WINE. 2020 STARMONT ROSÉ OF vibrant Rosé of Pinot Noir—sourced from the Stanly Ranch Estate Vineyard and the Lee Vineyard in Carneros—   Enjoy on its own or with light seasonal salads.12 pack case at $5.00 a bottle?!!! You read that correctly!!  $60 bucks for the WHOLE case!  Wine will be in Next Week!



My Favorite Things

www.dolphinlandings.com WELLNESS WEDNESDAY 


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